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Thank you for subscribing - My story System set-up and Contact information and subscription conformationHello and Thank you for subscribing. Perkune audiophile cables is a small company, operating from Vilnius, Lithuania and offering a range of audio cables. The cables are transparent, and, have a natural sound. Also, it can be said, Perkune audiophile cables, offer the best value for money.

I want to welcome you to Perkune audiophile cables as I have been involved with audio all my life. And, I am here to help improve the sound from your audio system.

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My cables assembled by hand and quality is the top priority. I am continually looking for ways to improve my cables. The range of cables is expanding, and I am getting more positive feedbacks testimonials. I am adding the latest testimonials to the front page of the website so you can view. And I will always keep you informed of the latest product developments and upgrades via the news letter.


Money back 100% – It is essential that when buying a cable, from a person you have never met, there is a guarantee. And, this will give you the confidence to go ahead with the purchase. Also I offer a 20% discount on your purchase!


If you need any help with your audio system or you are just starting your audiophile journey, then I am happy to help. I can advise on what to do and what not to do. And this will save you time and money! Because it is always great to have excellent support.


You are welcome to contact me at any time 24/7 directly via email of sending me a message at the bottom of the website – happy listening!

Cable reviews

Customer testimonials

If you would like to read about my journey and how I started Perkune audiophile cables, please click here

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Perkune – Best budget Audiophile Cables

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