Best value audiophile cable. During my years, I was working with audio equipment and Hi-End audio equipment. And, often asked, who makes the best value audiophile cables. As with everything these days, you have to try for yourself. Because only you have the ears that can determine if the lines are right for you!
The last seventeen years have shown fantastic progress in technology. The results have been the ability to produce goods and items more efficient and accessible than ever before. For example, thanks to the latest research and developments, we can significantly improve our listening pleasure by changing our system’s audio cables.
Best value audiophile cable
A few years ago, it was unheard of to pay more than a few dollars for a pair of loudspeaker cables or an interconnect cable or a power cord. These were unknown and unexplored items to the Hi-Fi enthusiasts. Many companies were researching and studying all forms of cabling used in the audio field because they knew that this information had to be made known to the audiophile.
Do cables matter? And another question asked by a person who wants to seem like he is totally in the know. And that I am just a person who does not know a suitable cable from a hot shower. For me, it is easy to show the person who is questioning by a simple experiment. And done in just a few minutes in the safety of his own home.
What do we do at the person house is something that I have done many times and in a few different countries. And will demonstrate how a cable does matter. Let us first listen to the person’s Hi-Fi system and evaluate it. Next, I remove the person’s power cord and replace it with a different power cord, which does not necessarily need to be at a high cost. We then listen again to the system, and a difference heard. In every way that you can imagine, and the difference can be, in some cases can be pretty dramatic.
Always easy to demonstrate, and the question answered does a cable make a difference. The next step is to remove the persons interconnects and replace them with a pair of interconnects. Again these are not of a very high cost, and then we listen back to the system. Again, there will be a difference in everything heard.
I always enjoy looking at the person’s face to see the expressions, and again I wish that I had taken pictures. I think it would have made a tremendous stand-alone page. The last thing is to do the same with the speaker cables. And this is the icing on the cake. Now the person has witnessed the results of changing cables in their own home and can clearly answer the question and, of course, can now say yes cable do make a difference.
What are we talking about when we say difference, and what sort of things do we hear. The first thing that becomes apparent is something we call “sound stage”, which means that the sound appears to be much bigger and more around you. It is like you are in a theatre and are sitting at row number thirty, and you have suddenly moved up to row number four.
The next thing that becomes apparent is the vitality now in the music, but at the same time, the instruments seem to have more space around them. And this is known as “transparency”, which I think is a beautiful term. After this, we can hear much more detail, and very often, we can hear things we never heard before. And, this is like removing a blanket hung over the loudspeakers. Known as “Detail”. The last thing, we can feel is the music seems to have more life and energy to it. And this is something known as “speed” because, yes, it now appears to be moving faster.
Best value
The experiment has finished and a cable does make a difference to the sound, but then the next question is, well, who makes the best value cables and where can you get them. And, it is something that is just not that easy to answer because today a person has such a choice as the internet has many companies and many cables to choose from. Many companies manufacture cables that will give the results I have described. But, it is only you and hearing the cables at your home with your system that can listen to the difference the cables make to you. Best value audiophile cables
The cost is a factor that only you can determine because you can listen to one power cord, for example, costing 100 USD. Then listen to another one costing 200 USD, and the difference is minimal. You can listen to a power cord that costs 300 USD. You will say, wow, that is for me. The same for the interconnects and loudspeaker cables. There is no point in spending hundreds of dollars on cables unless you have a costly system. If you have an expensive procedure, then your supplier should have introduced the benefits of using a better quality cable in the first place.
You have to understand that cables are an integrated part of the system. What is expensive and what is not costly again is something that only you can decide. If you are paying 5000 USD for an amplifier, then you should be paying 500 USD for a power cord and not be using the 25 USD power cord that came with your amp.
If you think that 500 USD is too much to pay well, you miss so much from your music. I would suggest that you contact a company and ask to try out a power cord or a pair of interconnects or loudspeaker cables for yourself, hear what you have been missing!
I have just introduced the Matrix S range of cables and aimed at providing the best value on the planet, and suggest you have a read –
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Perkune – Best budget Audiophile Cables