Every piece of music

Every piece of musicI think every piece of music appreciated by the listener is so important. A selection of music can take days, months or maybe just a few hours to write. And, the age of the composer can vary. Any person who has the ability can compose and perform the music at any age.

Every piece of music

Today, we see the example of children who started to play an instrument at the age of three. And, has been composing and performing their music through their lives. Where the music performed is again another factor to be taken into account. When you are listening to the piece of music, and the experience can be very good or awful. If the acoustics in the building are right, then you will have enormous listening gratification, but if the acoustics in the building are not good, then you will not enjoy the music as much.


Each country has its style of music, but it is not always the same as you would expect. The rhythm is there the feel is there, and the melody has it own particular meaning for the listener. The piece of music is written with the same attention and care to details so the person who is playing the music can give the audience the exact message from the composer. Every piece of music appreciated

History is shared, and time turned back as we can enjoy the sounds as played. The beauty of music is even though we do not always understand the words and sometimes there are no words, we are still able to feel the rhythm and listen to how the piece of music put together. And, so Every piece of music appreciated!

Every piece of Music has its joy, and when people are playing music, nothing else matters because they are in their world. All the musicians want to do is share their music with you, the audience. Age does not matter, race, religion and all the events that surround us because when we hear music, everything changes.

Every piece

Sometimes we can listen to many musicians playing together, and we can understand the complexity and the coordination need to bring the music to the audience.

In my life, I have seen and listened to music performed all over the world. And, some of the performances have been amazing been, and some have been very poor. The artists have been great and performing to their best. But, the whole arrangement has been affected by the quality of the sound. And, Every piece of music appreciated.


I think the best event that I attended was many years ago to a small concert in Denmark where a very new performer was playing. His name was Gary Moore and, just starting on the road to fame and fortune. It was a small wooden hall, and the equipment was fundamental.

The amplifier was just a Vox AC30, and the PA was a home-built system, but when they came on and plugged in, the sound was breathtaking. There were so much power and energy; it was like the roof was lifting off, and the emotion just had the audience spellbound.

I will never forget that fantastic sound as it was one of the best performances that I have ever seen. During the break, I was speaking to Gary and had a good chat about his music and the sound. I have met many of the big names in my life. And, played with a few when they were just starting, but I will leave that for another blog.

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