How to improve sound from your audio system. And I am pleased to say that it does not take much to do it correctly. Also, I would like to share this story with you to show how easy it can be. As I have helped so may people over the years, and more than happy to help you.
How to improve
Hello Paul, I‘m Nicholas from Indonesia. I have a speaker “Triangle Signature Alpha”, Unison Pre Amp and DM power amp. And Atlas hyper 2.0 cables. Also, I’m running two pair cable and remove the jumper cables in the speaker (Bi-wire). I noticed that you suggest using one pair cable with a bi-wire jumper. Why is that? Can you give me suggestions to improve? Thank you very much, and have a blessed day. Kind regards, Nicholas.
My reply
That is Providing the cables are from the same manufacturer, same series and same length! And the first step is to position your system correctly, and this is easy to do – sit in your listening position and take a pic of your system and send it to me, and I will help Best regards, Paul How to improve the system sound
Hi Paul, Thank you for such a fast reply. My triangle speaker only two pairs of the connector. And here is the picture. The distance from the speaker to the listening chair is 5.2 meter and Thank you very much, Nick. How to improve the system soun
Hi Nicolas, First, the thing is to move your speakers apart about half meter each side as you need to have them about three meters apart – centre driver to centre driver – Next to need to move your listening position forward about 1.5 meters. Please do this take another pic and send it to me – also tell me how the sound changed. Regards Paul
More info
Hi Paul, Here are the pictures of the speakers. The distance from the chair to the speaker is 3.3 meter. The distance between 2 speakers only 2.7 meters, I can’t make it to 3 meters since it will disturb the door.
Good morning Nicholas, Thank you for the great pics which tell a story. And, very happy to hear that we are making progress. The next thing to do is adjust your toe in because I see it is out! First removers of your speaker covers. Sit in your seat and by only turning your head and look directly at your left speaker centre driver.
The driver should be looking directly back at you, and I mean not one of two centres but DIRECTLY into your eyes! And by Moving the speaker a small amount needed and then do the same with the right-hand speaker. Also, another thing you need to do is place a carpet in front of the speakers on the floor. And, will remove reflections affecting your sound – Paul.
Thank you
Hi, again Paul, and the imaging is excellent now. I can visualise the position of the singer and instruments. The location helps, and I hear a lot more details as well. Thank you very much, God, Bless you, Nick, How to improve the system sound
And, you can see how to improve sound easily and quickly in your audio system. It took just a few emails and done in two days. How to improve the system sound
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