What is meant by Digital cable difference and why should there be a difference between one Digital cable and another Digital cable? I went to visit ‘Garso Namai’, located Kauno g 31, Vilnius, Lithuania and owned by Lucas Svedas. I have seen Lucas on several occasions and always enjoyed his company as he has excellent experience working with new components. But, this was just a little bit different as we would be testing the difference that an audio cable can make to the sound of a system. Digital cable difference
Cable difference
I think it is essential to understand that an audio cable, analogue or digital can and does make a difference to the sound of an audio system. And, even as there are no clinical trials, tests or documentation information, how can such claims be made. Welcome to the wonderful world of audio and everything that comes with it. And the only way to test these theories is by you, the listener!
Power cable
The first cable we decided to change was the power cable. The power cable, used in the system was from Taga Harmony and was 1.5 meters in length. And, was an excellent looking cable and made very well. The performance of the cable was good, gave excellent sound and offered great value for money.
The cables were taking power from the Taga Harmony PC-5000 power conditioner, which is an excellent unit and worked very well. The PC-5000 has Independent groups of switched and unswitched power sockets (Schuko type) specifically designed for use with different audio and video equipment.
The PC-5000 offer the following –
- Voltage meter to control the stability of the power voltage in the wall outlet.
- Phase detection indicates the incorrect power phase and the Polarity Switch allows for correction.
- Diversified duplex filtering based on high-quality Class-X capacitors and inductors.
- High power toroidal transformer to isolate equipment from the line noise.
- Spike and surge protection to protect against everyday high energy spikes and transient voltages.
- Primary lightning surge protection to safeguard of the load equipment from effects of high transient over-voltages. A lightning strike (introduced indirectly into the utility mains).
- Removable IEC type power cord gives an option to upgrade your system with a premium audiophile power cable.
Cable result
The power cable changed from the Taga harmony to the Perkune reference cable. And, this is when we both heard the first difference in sound. It was an instant change without waiting to hear if there was something different. No, it was instantaneous, and the difference was very noticeable.
The music now sounded cleaner, with more detail, definition and depth. The sound-stage had also increased, giving a good feeling of space and air to the musical presentation and easily felt by both of us. We were both pleased to hear this, and I said well, let us see what happens when we change the Digital cable.
Digital cable
The streamer used, Bluesound Node 2i and connected with AudioNote Digital cable. I said to Lukas that I did not think there would be much difference in sound, because you are using an excellent digital cable. But oh, how wrong I was!
The AudioNote digital replaced by Perkune Reference digital one-meter cable, and the music played. Yet, again the change we heard was instant—no waiting or trying to determine if there was a difference in sound. The change was another step up and brought a better bass response having a tighter and cleaner sound. The music felt stable and controlled without any bloom or laziness.
I was now really excited at the difference in the sound and said to Lukas let us change the interconnects cables. But, I also said, this sounded so good I really could not imagine it could sound any better.
We removed the Van den Hul interconnects and replaced them with the Perkune reference interconnects. And, now I was to eat my words because again there was a difference. The Vocal became clearer and had lost that sharpness around the edges. Also, it was more affluent and flowed like liquid gold! What a fantastic chance this was, and we were both impressed at what a difference the cables had made.
Test system
The system used for testing was a Naim supernait 3 integrated amplifier. Which, was tested about three weeks ago. The supernait 3 is a magnificent sounding amplifier and is able to reveal everything that is put into it. As with everything in the audio field, it needs good cables to make it sound at its best!
The Loudspeakers used were supplied by Habeth M30.1 which are one of my favourite sounding loudspeakers. Due mainly to their beautiful range and stability. And, they bring out every detail with nothing left out and have the speed needed. Which, makes them perfect for testing any audio system and any audio cable.
A great day spent with Lukas at ‘Garso Namai’, Vilnius, Lithuania and it proved that a suitable cable could and does make a difference to the sound heard at the loudspeakers. I will continue to test and evaluate audio cables and audio equipment because it is so exciting, and I love what I do!
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Perkune – Best budget Audiophile Cables