Audiophile intro surprise cable

Audiophile Surprise cable reviewAudiophile intro surprise cable. And this has happened to me? I am in Hi-fi for more than 45 years! And now, this simple cable made my seven Hi-fi systems sound better than ever! Unbelievable! please read this Audiophile Surprise cable review

Surprise cable

When I connected the Perkune ‘Surprise’ cable, I was surprised (shocked) and impressed. The difference in sound between my existing cable and the Perkune cable was evident, and I could hardly believe my ears. What a clean sound? Excellent resolution! Voices are more precise, and much more distinctive, with a lot of finesse. 

First impressions

All records (LP, and CD) sound better. All sounds, voices and instruments are so clean, and undistorted. Listening is a joy, even at a much higher volume. It is like a » bright and sunny« v.s. »cloudy and rainy day. Audiophile Surprise cable review 

I was enthusiastic about the new sound. However, as an electronic engineer, I had no valid explanation about why this cable influences the music so very persuasively. I performed some necessary computer-based electro-acoustic measurements and various listening tests. Here is a summary report: Audiophile Surprise cable review 


Standard, standard loudspeaker measurements did not answer the fundamental question about why this cable sounds so good. Three consecutive impedance plots for three cables “Surprise” cable, Van Den Hul cable and Conrad (no-name) cable, were recorded with an almost identical result over the entire frequency range.

The same was with the acoustic frequency response measurements where no visible differences were detected. I expected to discover at least a little difference, but I was disappointed – No differences Audiophile Surprise cable review 

Listening tests

I performed Fifty-four short listening tests according to the planning matrix below:

  • Cables: Perkune cable, Van Den Hul cable, Conrad (No Name) cable
  • Amplifiers: Naim NAP 110 solid-state, and Cayin Spark 530 tube)
  • Loudspeakers: Tannoy 3LS, Klipsch Cornwall, Spendor BC3, Spendor BC1, Rogers Ls3/5a, Linn Sara, Cabasse Dinghy 221, Cabasse Escadre, Klein&Hummel TX-2.

The listening tests confirmed my previous impressions and assessments, which I could describe with the following keywords:

  • Perkune cable: 10/10 (my new reference). Vibrant, detailed, full, lifelike, bright, clean, present, outstanding, beautiful, exciting, punch, quick, sharp, soft, natural.
  • Van den Hul cable: 6/10. Neutral, kind, friendly, beautiful, rich, full, O.K., correct.
  • Conrad (no-name) cable: 3/10 O.K., good, ugly, average, not bad, slow, mellow, ordinary, boring, nothing special. Audiophile Intro Surprise cable review

The differences are apparent. More sound stage, music seems to flow out of the loudspeakers so easily. When I listened to the “Jazz at the Pawnshop” (Klipsch Cornwall, Tannoys), closed my eyes, and turned back from the loudspeakers, I questioned myself: »Am I in the club, or is it a club in my room?”. Amazing! Audiophile Surprise cable review 


The Perkune cable, gave the best results. Score 10/10 sets this cable as my new cable reference. All loudspeakers sound significantly better with the Perkune cable. The Perkune cable is a passive element, no doubt about that. However, compared to some other audio cables, it seems to work like an “active device”, like some “voice stimulator” … it acts like a “morning coffee” … After 150 hours the sound is just pure bliss – vocals are so rich, details are unique, and I hear details I never heard before!


At the moment I STILL HAVE NO VALID OBJECTIVE EXPLANATION about why this cable sounds so good. However, I believe that the answers should be hidden and researched within the following table properties: Audiophile Surprise cable review 

  • MECHANICAL (material-purity, structure, silver-copper combination)
  • ELECTRICAL (phase-coherent signal propagation, conductance, low distortion)
  • MAGNETIC (magnetic material polarisation).

The Perkune cable immediately proved it was not a “Mickey Mouse” cable but was a real Hi-end, very serious and very affordable cable.

Author: Mitja Borko (Slovenian audio engineer and & Klipsch enthusiast)

Mitja Borko from Slovenia

Audiophile intro surprise cable I perkune audiophile cables 2024Some of you may already be familiar with his, now famous, Klipsch Cornwall Test Report. It has been published and referenced for many years on the internet. I sold Mitja my 1974 Cornwall Is many years ago and shipped them to him in Slovenia. Since that time, he and I have been great email friends, although we have not yet met in person. Also, browsing the Klipsch forum here from time to time, and tells me that has just joined as a member. I’m sure he will be a valuable contributor to the conference due to his vast knowledge of Klipsch and all things audio. Audiophile Surprise cable review 

Mitja has a website that has several test reports on various loudspeakers, amps & preamps, phono preamps, cartridges and vintage tube radios.

If you enjoyed the’ Audiophile intro surprise cable’, please share with friends – thank you.

Perkune Best budget Audiophile Cables

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