Used audiophile cable

Used audiophile cablesWelcome to the used audiophile cable page. And, has been added to help old and new customers sell their audio items. As an audiophile, you may have other things you wish to trade. And I think this is an excellent tool to help you show your details. Because you never know who will see this page and pass the information to others resulting in a sale.

Used audiophile cable

I am offering the Preowned audiophile items page as a FREE service. And, the Preowned audiophile items page is split into sections and will show you the item and the location. Also, If you have an interest, I will put you directly in touch with the seller, and you can make shipping and payment arrangements.

All Preowned items must always be photographed with an accurate description and condition, as it will affect the asking price. But, everything is negotiable, and I am sure you will find what you are looking for, at the price you are happy to pay!


  • Aurender flow headphone amp/DAC – Lithuania
  • Grundig SV140 amplifier – Lithuania
Power cables
  • Matrix – Two meters
  • Matrix S – Two meters
Loudspeaker cables
  • Linn products K400 speaker cable 3.0 meter with spades 
  • AirDream 2.5 meters – Bananas 
Interconnect cables
  • Matrix S 1 meter pair – RCA
  • Matris S 1 meter pair XLR
Subwoofer cable
  • Matrix 3.0 meter – RCA
Digital cables
  • Cat 7 – 1.0 meter
  • Cat 8 – 1.0 meter


Thank you for your interest in the Pre-owned audiophile cables page. And, you are welcome to send any items that you no longer need and I will add them to the list. Also, items can be of any make and type.

Customer testimonials

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Best budget Audiophile Cables  Perkune