Audio system set-up

One frequently underestimated element in audio setup is the positioning of your loudspeakers in your audio system. Remarkably, even a slight adjustment, moving just a few centimetres, can significantly enhance your listening experience. I’m here to assist you in this transformative process, and it only requires three simple emails. Begin by capturing a photo from your listening position and send to me.

The Audio System Set-Up is a complementary service I offer, drawing a parallel to the importance of a focused camera when capturing an image. Just as an out-of-focus photo is unacceptable, an improperly adjusted audio system is akin to being out of focus and won’t deliver its optimal sound quality for your listening pleasure!


  1. Take a Pic: Capture an image of your audio system from your listening position
  2. Send the Pic: Email the photo to me at
  3. Analysis: I will analyse the picture and provide what adjustments are needed.
  4. Relax: Sit back, relax and enjoy your music as it was meant to be heard!

I’ve had numerous people respond, sending pictures, and each one has reported hearing a significant improvement. Regardless of your room size the key lies in the correct positioning of your speakers.

Audio systemsAudio system set up

Audio system setup

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Loudspeaker system

Speaker system


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System in Lithuania

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